Is breakfast dead in America?

This is a cool article from Quartz on the decline of orange juice in American life — namely, rising prices of oranges, infections of orange grove, the evil nature of sugar now, etc. — but buried within it is this nugget:… Continue Reading

Why are honeybees important, you might ask? They’re tied to $15 billion in produce every year. Oh, and they invented twerking.

That video above claims that honeybees (or honey bees, whatever you prefer) are essential to the development of mankind. Before you shout “HYPERBOLE!” and return to Facebook-stalking a girl you once brushed up against in college, let’s go through this for a… Continue Reading

Could a $25 Firefox OS phone be a true game-changer in terms of linking up the developing world?

The Mobile World Congress is going on right now in Barcelona and Firefox OS (Mozilla) believes it’s “unleashing the future of mobile.” Here’s the big corporate money-shot in the press release: “Firefox OS is off to an amazing start. We launched… Continue Reading


The conversation on networking is skewed. It’s really all about the context of the hand-off.

No one would argue, I’d guess, that the idea of networking is the No. 1 job search strategy out there. The amount of people who get jobs off randomly applying to posts online is fairly low — you can make an argument… Continue Reading

RIP Harold Ramis, who may have spawned more future comedy writers/directors/performers than anyone except “The Simpsons”

I won’t go too deep into the details of Harold Ramis’ life — this isn’t a hard news site by any stretch of the imagination, and the best obit you’ll find is here — but I will pull out one… Continue Reading

The Naomi Richmond-David Richmond-robbers heart attack story is awful and amazing all at once

In case you haven’t seen or heard this story, it bears a retell. In Clearlake, California, David Richmond had a massive heart attack at 65. As Naomi Richmond, 63, followed the ambulance to the hospital, thieves broke in and ransacked… Continue Reading

Shift your narrative, bro: men actually work at home more than women, in most cases

This is a shift we don’t talk about enough: really, only in the past 60-70 years or so has childbirth in most of America/the world even been a choice, and that’s correlated (or timed out) with a rise in female education… Continue Reading

Did Warby Parker shift the entire retail model?

A big discussion in retail the past three to five years has been “brick and mortar” vs. “online,” as if those ideas were two completely disparate worlds that could never possibly interact. That’s how places like Wal-Mart and Best Buy… Continue Reading