There was B2B, and B2C. Now people are discussing H2H, or human-to-human. Is this legit, or just more buzzwords?

A lot of people on LinkedIn recently have been sharing different memes / blackboards / content around the idea of “H2H” marketing — meaning “human to human,” as opposed to the conventional ideas in the space, which have long included… Continue Reading

Sprouts, a grocery chain out of Phoenix, is changing the way you walk through a supermarket

Via Quartz, consider this. This is typically how a supermarket is laid out in the United States: But this layout below belongs to Sprouts Farmers Market supermarkets, which are currently mostly in the Southwest: See the difference? Typically when you enter… Continue Reading

Travel in your 20s shouldn’t be a speed bump for your career. Can we just kill off the linear resume, please?

There’s a whole boatload of emerging context on the world of millennials vs. the world of their parents and grandparents, and some of it — such as aspects about where to live and what’s desirable in cities — seems logical,… Continue Reading

You probably spend two years of your life waiting in line. Could technology disrupt that?

Waiting on lines is terrible, but a seemingly unavoidable fact of life, right? Think about this, though: 20 years ago, the Internet was nascent, and finding an effective way to search was hard, but an unavoidable fact of life. (Cue… Continue Reading


Experience may mean very little when choosing leadership

There’s a whole culture in business / hiring around development vs. poaching. The idea is rooted in the belief that, if you have an open position and 3-4 internals who can fill it, you should still look elsewhere. Part of that is… Continue Reading

Only two of the world’s 10 most marketable soccer players are actually still in the World Cup

There were no shortage of things written before the World Cup began about the marketing efforts therein, especially as relates to NIKE vs. Adidas. Here’s one I read on a plane in May, and here’s a recent goal-tracker for their… Continue Reading

The world got impatient; one second of slower load time can cost Amazon $1.6 billion across a year

There are some statistics you run across in the course of consuming information that just straight up blow your mind. Here’s one example: The most staggering statistic in @VaclavSmil’s new book: http://t.co/2N6cpXQsJ5 pic.twitter.com/QPcBscSLXj — Bill Gates (@BillGates) June 13, 2014… Continue Reading

Brief thought exercise: does the United States even ‘deserve’ to win the World Cup?

This is all pretty much a moot point, since assuming the United States will beat Belgium and Argentina in its next two games is a wide stretch. But … think about it. Anything is possible. There’s a lot of consternation around legitimate… Continue Reading