Pride and people not wanting help

Asking for Help

I’ve been having trouble sleeping recently — maybe for the last 3-5 weeks. Sometimes it’s related to my current job — it’s good, and I’m beyond glad I have it, but some days I worry I’m not contributing enough or… Continue Reading


Why aren’t airports happier places?

Airports should be happier places

They should be, right? It’s the start of journeys. Continue Reading


Your name can keep you on top of society for 28 generations

The 1 Percent vs. the 99 Percent

Thomas Piketty got a lot of attention, both good and bad, for his latest book. If you’ve never read it (admittedly, I have not either), the central idea is that, in capitalist economies, wealth will naturally concentrate in the hands of a… Continue Reading

For businesses, the value of social media is hard to prove

Measuring Social Media ROI

Personally, I understand the value of social media — even if 80 percent of people using it are “me-formers” — because it connects family and friends in a new way. It’s always remarkable to me when I can know exactly… Continue Reading


Stop using Facebook as a marketing strategy

Facebook Marketing

You may have seen some of these new data sets about Facebook and usage. Basically, Forrester went out and told people that it was a bad marketing strategy. (Concur.) Organic reach has been dying forever, and large-brand Facebook posts are only… Continue Reading

As millennials move to cities and have kids, will soccer become popular in the U.S.?

US Soccer Popularity Millennials

Follow the bouncing ball here:

David Lobell and what we’re eating in 20 years

David Lobell

It’s pretty fashionable to rail against the current food production system in the world, but it turns out there are agricultural data scientists out there — guys that work with Google on data sets and get Genius Grants and teach… Continue Reading


I wrote Mike Nichols a letter once. He wrote back. Kinda cool, no?

Mike Nichols

Mike Nichols passed away today, as you’ve probably heard. I don’t have a lot to contribute to this discourse because I’m not exactly a film buff or even a very good viewer of films — I saw most of the Twilight movies… Continue Reading