You need to make $87,536 to buy a home in NYC; San Francisco? $142,448

It costs a lot to buy in San Francisco or NYC

From here, there’s this:

How Much It Costs To Buy A Home In U.S. Cities

This data comes from a mortgage research website ( and is pretty much what you’d expect: the Northeast Corridor demands a relatively large salary (minus Philly, maybe); Florida is comparatively inexpensive (I thought Miami would be over $60,000 myself); the Rust Belt has insane value; San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, and Seattle are pretty high; and if you put 20 percent down, you need to earn a salary of $48,604 to afford the median-priced home in America.

Maps like these will continue to drive the future of American cities away from the coasts, I think. But people do love being near water, so I may be terribly wrong on that.

Ted Bauer