Cost of Living: What’s the hourly wage you need for a 2BR in every state?

Cost of Living for 2BR Apartment by each state

From here (via here):

This is how we SHOULD think about marketing, but we DON’T

How to think about marketing

From here: “I came from a different path in marketing. It’s deeply formed my view on what’s the appropriate approach.  I can remember when I played college football one of our coaches said, ‘Your value to the team is how… Continue Reading

Three ways to make your employees happier

Happy, Jumping Employees

Let’s say you took a reputable university — i.e. someplace like Harvard! — and then you went back a few decades in time and surveyed one of their graduating classes, say … 1980. Now, the results are potentially biased, because the… Continue Reading

Managers don’t seem so big on self-improvement

Managers Avoid Self-Development

Let’s start by taking a look at this graph; I got it from here: This is from Joseph Folkman, who’s a pretty big deal in the whole “leadership development” space. It’s based on 360 assessments with 50,000 leaders; they were asked… Continue Reading


Remember: business is still individual-to-individual

Business Is All About Individuals

You know why, ultimately, business journalism and headlines like “74 percent of B2C consumers prefer this…” don’t have value? And you know why the ramp-up to “Big Data” and “data-based decision-making” will be hard for a lot of people? Here’s why: All of these… Continue Reading


Your leadership pipeline probably sucks

Leadership Pipeline

Here’s a funny story that probably won’t be that funny to you: back in summer 2013, when I worked at McKesson on a business school internship, I got to sit in a couple of “leadership pipeline” meetings. These were meetings… Continue Reading

People who live in cities often think they live in the burbs

People Think They Live In The Suburbs But They Live In Cities

Kinda interesting, and via here: Here’s the methodology here: this guy at Trulia (their “chief economist!”) asked 2,000+ adults if they thought they lived in an urban hood, a rural hood, or a suburban hood. He then organized the results.… Continue Reading

Time to revisit the ol’ “social media doesn’t impact the bottom line” discussion

Social Media and Sales

At most organizations, people eventually spend less time — and care less about — things that aren’t directly tied to “making money” or “hitting targets.” A major example of this is employee engagement; everyone preaches it as a core issue but, because it’s hard to… Continue Reading