How to get better at email management

Email Management

Email (or e-mail, take your pick) is one of the triad of scourges of the modern work world, along with meetings and conference calls. How do you get better at email management, then? There are approximately 1.5 trillion articles about… Continue Reading


Bad Boss 101: Country Club Management

The bad boss country club manager

This idea of bad bosses / having a bad boss came up at the bar across the street from my house last night. I ran into a couple of people I didn’t know — I think they might be TCU… Continue Reading

Good management skills also create turnover

Good Management Skills Still Cause Turnover

For years and years, we’ve been hearing that “People don’t leave jobs, they leave managers.” Makes sense and seems logical. It would stand to reason, then, that good management skills would help you reduce churn and turnover — which could… Continue Reading

The C-Suite won’t read your white paper, no

C-Suite won't read your white paper

One of the bigger things that makes me gag on my latest Chipotle burrito is when I go chase some freelance clients and someone tells me their website and associated content has a ‘C-Suite audience’ or ‘appeals to the C-Suite’ or… Continue Reading


Professionalism in the workplace is about code-switching

Professionalism in the Workplace

One concept that often makes me want to self-immolate is when people begin discussing professionalism in the workplace. Lest you think I’m racing to any employer and throwing buckets of water at everyone as if I’m Doink the Clown, let… Continue Reading

The increasing importance of organizational structure

Importance of organizational structure

Are we about to embark on a sea change around organizational structure? Deloitte just did a study of 7,000+ companies in 130+ countries (it’s called Deloitte Human Capital Trends 2016) and above you can see what the leadership of various… Continue Reading

Maybe it’s time to empower Human Resources

Empower Human Resources

There’s a lot of talk in ‘thought leadership’ circles around the notion of ‘let’s empower Human Resources,’ but here’s the thing to remember: most ‘thought leaders’ are consultants and coaches. They tend to get paid by companies hosting them to… Continue Reading