How senior management can start really doing stuff

Senior management

Making $225,000/year to put out fires and quell arguments? Might as well flush it down the toilet. Continue Reading


Digital marketing strategy: The big lies

Digital marketing strategy

When lies and buzzwords replace the real deal of how to think on/approach what you do digitally, that’s less than stellar. Continue Reading

Business intelligence tools: The four areas to consider

Business Intelligence Tools

What can a global leader at McKinsey teach us about what business tools we need to be thinking about for growth? Continue Reading


Talent management strategy should leave HR

Talent Management Strategy

I know: let’s put the acquisition of people — a company’s biggest cost and greatest resource — into the hands of a department that executives barely care about. This will end super well. Continue Reading


Working as a team: The No-BS secret sauce

Working as a team

Angelic troublemakers. Continue Reading

Don’t lip service coaching and mentoring

Coaching and mentoring

“That’s a HR thing, right? I’m out here slaying targets! No time to worry about these rank-and-file peons!” Continue Reading


Performance metrics: Evolve or die

Performance Metrics

The performance metrics you use (both internally and externally) are probably outdated for the digital age. So, what now? Continue Reading

The ‘key stakeholders’ problem at work

Key Stakeholders

That’s a lot of posteriors to pucker. Continue Reading