Is this The Iteration Era?


What will self-worth look like in an age of automation? Time to experiment. Continue Reading

Productivity Planner: The Focus Day

Productivity Planner

How about moving from “quantity of work on your plate” to “quality of work you’re getting done,” yea? Continue Reading

The great strategy consulting irony

Strategy consulting cover your ass

Um, what about your employees? Continue Reading

Compensatory behavior is, well, everything

Compensatory behavior

All about closing that gap between “who you really are” and “who you want to be seen as,” which has implications at work and on social media. Continue Reading

Where do business buzzwords come from?

Business Buzzwords

The KPI Stork be bringing ’em. Continue Reading


LinkedIn benefits 2017: Meh, not so much

LinkedIn benefits

“Oh hey, I don’t check this very much,” comes a response 10 months after you messaged someone. Continue Reading


Ability to work independently: Crucial

Work Independently

This is where employee engagement really goes to die. Continue Reading

The white paper marketing bubble will pop soon, right?

White paper marketing

The supply-demand problem of content marketing comes home to roost. Continue Reading