Are male friendships harder?

Male friendships

Hard to directly compare, but worth looking at some research. Continue Reading


Soft skills, and how to hire for ’em

Soft skills

You can’t claim to be “data-driven” if the data only applies to processes and products. Gotta apply to people too. Continue Reading


Your corporate training program likely sucks

Corporate training

“For the life of me, I cannot remember what made us think we were wise…” Continue Reading


Company loyalty is dead and buried, yes

Company loyalty

First thing people say: “the decline of unions…” That’s PART of it, but it’s not the entire story. Continue Reading

Networking ideas: Don’t overthink it, fam; you got this

Networking ideas

Some actionable insights about how to ponder that next networking event of yours. Continue Reading

Analytical tools begin with psychology

Analytical tools

“We compete on data,” a CEO meows. Continue Reading

Simplicity in business should be the goal

Simplicity in business

Is it painful to complete even the simplest task at work? Continue Reading


Trying times: The “let me off the hook” problem

Trying times

Don’t make it about you; make it about them. Continue Reading