In praise of #SocialRoadTrip

Social Road Trip

The power of face-to-face. Continue Reading


Bureaucratic management ain’t going anywhere

Bureaucratic management

9-14 layers of micromanaging is the new black. Continue Reading


The Temple of Busy is making us into fat pigs

Time to find a new church — about self-improvement. Continue Reading

Strategic decision making, simplified to a chart

The beauty of simplicity. Continue Reading

The average middle manager ain’t pulling his/her weight

Middle manager

What is the ideal job role for a middle manager? What should they legitimately be doing? Continue Reading


Yep, you need a work vacation STAT

Work vacation

More likely to get a raise if you take a vacation? Don’t mind if I do. Continue Reading


Have conversations about career skills, not job role

Career skills

Playing Frogger with corporate politics. Continue Reading

Why do we assume group chat is productive at work?

Group chat

“A harried culture of constant interruption.” Continue Reading