Close to 85% of your job might be meaningless

Do nothing all day and still get paid? Yeppers. Continue Reading

“Hey left hand, you know what right hand is doing? Oh, no?”

No one ever seems to know what is going on, or what’s a priority, in a work context. Continue Reading


Corporate training is way too focused on content

Why do you think I call my blog what I do? Continue Reading


Strategy is paradoxically a problem for organizations now

Every day is a winding, if intractable, road map. Continue Reading


Uncertainty is the new black. Embrace it.

We ain’t got no idea what we’re doing, even if we claim to. Continue Reading


The concept of “hustle” is trite bullshit

We’re all out here trying to figure it out. Continue Reading


Work is about control. Let’s stop ignoring that.

Time to make the honesty donuts. Continue Reading