Let’s tape a podcast in 2020 about your journey into adulthood

I’m looking for some people who want to spend a half-hour or so discussing life in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s. The evolution of adulthood! Continue Reading

My top 10 posts of 2019

Four were about workplace issues, three were about sex, and one happened to be about true crime. That all checks out. Continue Reading


Crawling towards 39, mostly pathetic, and trying to get to a place I’m proud of

Ted Bauer 2015 Not Ideal

I’m largely a failure as I near the end of my 30s, and I need to own that and start the process of doing better. Continue Reading

Guest Post: Managing student loan debt

How can you pipe down your student debt? I let some of my peeps in the content ecosystem tackle it. Continue Reading

Guest Post: Blogging for beginners

Where do you even get started with doing a blog? Hell if I know, right? Continue Reading


We need to really, really stop ignoring loneliness as a topic

It impacts many of us, and having more open discussions would probably be beneficial, even though it’s not the easiest topic. Continue Reading

Nothing external fixes you until you fix yourself

The external won’t put you on a rainbow and take you to the promised land. It starts with you. Continue Reading


Let’s talk more openly about dudes getting depressed

All this starts by talking more openly about it. Continue Reading