Let’s redefine “success.”

Does it mean MORE MORE MORE, GO GO GO, or could it be more nuanced? Continue Reading

It’s never about the intended narrative. It’s about the narrative people will create from their beliefs.

Narratives don’t get life until beliefs come into play. Continue Reading

What is productivity, honestly?

Do we even know? And is it really an organization’s place to determine the term? Continue Reading

“The Great Resignation” = “The Great Strategy Pause”

Lots of stops, starts, and pauses. Continue Reading


Most people will not care about stuff related to YOU unless in some way it benefits THEM; remember this.

I mutter “No one cares” often to myself, especially as I drive around. It’s not totally true, but it’s truer than we admit. Continue Reading

The burnout issue: Complicated prioritization decisions get pushed onto people

Managers, who often can’t manage their way out of a paper bag if you gave them six road maps, need to understand “push” vs. “pull.” Continue Reading

The entire purpose of middle managers, scientifically, is to be absolutely full of shit

“Characterizing the reality of a situation with any description that is necessary to make that situation more palatable to some group that matters.” Continue Reading

Personal Reflection: Why do the sperm collection rooms always have a recliner in ’em?

Thoughts on a chapter you don’t ever really want to write. Continue Reading