FAANG companies are bullish on office space (at least NYC). Bye bye, remote work.

If Big Tech does something, others ape it. So what does this mean for you? Continue Reading

The “Yea, it’s good enough” Economy

Are we in a race to the bottom of quality because all the platforms we use regularly have too many options? Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 21: Apple and … possible nuclear war?

If you’ve ever wanted to have a conversation about what it’s like to work for Apple and then, 10 minutes later, talk about World War III … well, this is your podcast episode. Continue Reading

Here’s a good way to explain what “design” is in a business context

Simple Design Is The Key To Companies

In the “new business world” — where maybe product and inventory matter less — you can make an argument that the No. 1 thing any company needs is simple, easy-to-use-and-understand design. You could make a similar case that this basic idea — simple interfaces… Continue Reading


Senior management: Values the same, personalities different

Jobs Wozniak and the Key to Management

Since almost the dawn of time, people have been trying to figure out the exact right combination of leaders/managers to make a company or idea successful. Extroverts? Introverts? Hard-chargers? Listeners? Etc. For almost the same amount of time, people have been breathlessly trying… Continue Reading


Why is it so fucking complicated for people to understand Apple’s success?

Apple's Success

This is a weird little personal statistic, but I’ve been in about 20 conversations over the last six months where someone mentioned Apple (the company) and tried to explain their success, and basically got some of it right, but otherwise… Continue Reading


Start quoting Tim Cook in your presentations, ya prick

Tim Cook

Tim Cook has apparently created as much value as Steve Jobs did since becoming Apple CEO — and of course, Cook did it while also dropping some less-than-secret personal contexts that make him stand out in the tech industry. In… Continue Reading

ChromeBook could supplant iPads in schools because of a simple contextual functionality

This is a cool story — it initially appeared on The Atlantic, but I saw it over on Quartz, and ostensibly, it’s about the educational technology sector, which is damn near close to $10 billion/year (up 2.5 percent from last year). There… Continue Reading