It’s never about the intended narrative. It’s about the narrative people will create from their beliefs.

Narratives don’t get life until beliefs come into play. Continue Reading


Stop chasing the panacea; most problems are complex

“Less school shootings? Let’s reduce the violent content of video games!” Or… maybe it’s a rich quilt of reasons? Continue Reading


COVID will probably scale up NIMBY

If you mostly see your immediate family, who will you make decisions to benefit? Right, right… Continue Reading

Bridges vs. trenches

Digging down vs. reaching across. Execs may not care, but there’s money involved. Continue Reading

Do “calls for unity” work, at home or at work?

Does it mean “go along with what I say because I now have more power,” or is it real? Continue Reading

Data vs. emotion: Student loan forgiveness is a bad, bad idea

Will a bunch of numbers (often misunderstood) really change someone’s entrenched beliefs? Er, no. Continue Reading


The biggest dichotomy of 2020 (out of many!)

It has to do with data and beliefs. Continue Reading

Deify the innovation of the vaccine, sure — but its effectiveness is all about messaging

We need to understand that Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter matter more here than “the innovation” does. Continue Reading