The Blunder Years, Episode 37: In conversation with my pastor on, well, a bunch of stuff

Even though I curse online sometimes and people assume I’m not religious as a result (weird), I somewhat am — so here’s me and my pastor talking life. Continue Reading

This Trayvon Martin Nativity scene may have gone a little overboard, yes

John Zachary, a 57 year-old artist, does the Nativity installation for Claremont United Methodist Church every year (he’s a parishioner). This year, the scene features a slumped-over, bleeding Trayvon Martin. Here’s what Zachary had to say, via The Los Angeles Times: “He… Continue Reading

Two groups that benefit immensely from Christmas morning: app developers and the Catholic Church

Ah, Christmas morning. If you have children under 11, you’re probably up at 5am. It’s undoubtedly a magical time, but we hardly associate it with money — in fact, most people are off, most places are closed, and you’re probably… Continue Reading