The new manager problem: We’re all baboons

New manager

This one might have you humming Counting Crows. Continue Reading


Research on how to make good choices

Make good choices

We like to isolate psychology around decisions and choices from the execution of work, but we really shouldn’t. Continue Reading

Stop checking boxes. It’s meaningless.

Checking Boxes

If all you do all day is chase process around, what do you really do all day? Continue Reading


What if positive thinking is mostly bullshit?

Positive Thinking

Realistic pessimism sometimes beats deluded optimism, you know? Continue Reading


Is choice overload a real thing?

Choice Overload

When companies are consistently trying to prove innovation and growth, they’ll enter new verticals — further crowding those verticals. Is this stressing consumers? Continue Reading


Bureaucracy is swallowing workplaces whole

Bureaucracy Org Chart

Does your company really need both a Chief Data Analyst and a Chief Fun Idea Generator? Potentially not. Continue Reading


The Silo Effect: Kill it with fire

Silo Effect

“Everyone knows Operations is saving this place’s ass! Without us, we’d all be out on the street!” < --- this attitude, i.e. The Silo Effect and slow-moving decision-making as a result, is how we get disrupted. Continue Reading

Business case: Personalize the arguments

Business Case

“No time, Lance! I’m building out my slide deck, baby! Check out these transitions!” Continue Reading