The Blunder Years, Episode 46: TiVo | Teenagers | Identity | Swim Lanes

A wide-ranging discussion on the early days of TiVo and whether teenagers have a moral obligation to be dicks to their parents. Continue Reading


The Desperation Economy vs. The Woke Economy vs. “The Return To Normal”

There are three pills we can take post-COVID: one is good (empathy!), one is not so good (desperation!), and one is a return to “usual.” Continue Reading

Shouldn’t people have insight into the decisions that affect them?

Breakups to makeups, personally and professionally. Continue Reading

The overconfidence curse

Personally/professionally less than stellar. Continue Reading

Stop inverting the risk continuum on decisions

What you can control often means more than what should really matter. Continue Reading

Strategic decision making, simplified to a chart

The beauty of simplicity. Continue Reading

Effective decision making is about basically one thing

Effective decision making

The brain psychology of management kind of kills the idea of effective decision making. Continue Reading


Research on how to make good choices

Make good choices

We like to isolate psychology around decisions and choices from the execution of work, but we really shouldn’t. Continue Reading