We are really confused about what “leadership” is

We’re really bad at contextualizing what exactly “leadership” is, unfortunately. Continue Reading


What differentiates high performance leadership?

High performance leadership

Good things come in fours, even if CEOs aren’t really sure of any of them. Continue Reading

Is emotionally intelligent leadership gonna die with mobile?

Emotionally intelligent leadership

Emojis are gonna rule us all. Continue Reading


Is humble leadership the new intelligence?

Humble Leadership

Ah, the old “those are soft skills and I’m looking at the revenue figures” problem. Continue Reading


Emotional intelligence in the workplace: A dog and pony show

Emotional intelligence in the workplace

“No time to consider EQ, boss! I’m chasing Q2 revenue plays, baby!” Continue Reading

What leadership activities should people be doing?

Leadership Activities

Low-context slop fests of emails and meetings does not a leader make. Continue Reading

Leadership skills list: Self-reflection should be, uh, high

Leadership Skills List

Self-awareness is way more valuable to have as a manager than “revenue-generation skills.” Continue Reading

Dynamic leadership: How about using apps?

Dynamic leadership

How to ravage the work-life balance of those under you — in a smart way! Continue Reading