The clarification of expectations

Applications both personal and professional. Continue Reading

For “inclusion” to work, we have to understand psychology and strip the bullshit buzzwords

This is worth getting right, but our approach to it is very often flawed. Continue Reading

My top 10 posts of 2020

Pretty wide-ranging, but predictably a bunch about culture and management and work. Continue Reading

The ultimate schism of meetings

Prepared vs. unprepared, and the odd responses. Continue Reading

Stop wasting the time of people who work for you

Is there a path to cultures where everyone has a good understanding of priorities as opposed to time-suck tasks? Continue Reading


Bosses need to learn to manage personal upheavals and reversals

Think of it like this: “New PEOPLE features” vs. “New PRODUCT features.” Continue Reading

No one should respect the “Best Places To Work” lists, even remotely

Pay-to-play and PR tactics vs. an actual examination of culture, respect, and management. Continue Reading

Guest Post: The future of talent management

Talent Management Strategy

The post-COVID re-awakening, perhaps? Continue Reading