The Blunder Years, Episode 66: Is college still valuable?

We know costs of higher education keep rising. We know debt makes it harder for people to have a life right out of school. Is the whole deal worth it? Continue Reading


Higher education seems to be a problem now

Is the idea of higher education actually setting back people from achieving what they should? Continue Reading


Do we now lip-service the importance of education?

Importance of education

Kinda feels like the same thing as an exec discussing “mission and vision.” Continue Reading

Here’s why the traditional college model will probably never die

Here’s some research from Stanford University on what exactly first-stage investors (in startups) are looking for when they give money. The essential “elevator pitch” of the story is that an early-stage investor typically has 1,000 meeting requests in a year, has to choose… Continue Reading

Life Key: Move away from fear, greed, and ignorance

Greed Fear Ignorance

This is kind of interesting. MIT has this project called “ULab,” which is designed to transform higher education. That’s a pretty complex topic to tackle, because a lot of the problems with higher education come from the context of how… Continue Reading

Student loans will mentally devastate you

Student Loan Debt

I just paid Installment No. 1 of my graduate school student loans two days ago. I hit “Submit” on that online form, basically muttered to myself “Here we go…,” realized it was probably another 30 years until I’d be totally… Continue Reading


A practical, vocational college major is a terrible fucking idea

Colleges Don't Prepare Students For Work

Honestly, sometimes when I look at the gap between “what universities do to prepare students” and “how potential employers view students,” I silently weep to myself. The gap between A and B is a fucking chasm; it’s about 1,000 times… Continue Reading

Presentations: move from ‘telling’ to ‘asking’

It’s very rare that there’s any “conversational” aspect around business presentations. Maybe that needs to change — and fast. Continue Reading