The Performative Era

“We’re Listening.” But, uh, are you? Continue Reading

“We live in a machine that is designed to get us to neglect what’s important about life.”

Depression and anxiety come from how we think we’re supposed to live vs. how we really should. Continue Reading

The Instagram vs. IRL problem

Are we headed to a good place with social media? Continue Reading


Do people actually want to critically consume information?

Noise vs. literacy with a side of relevance. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 54: The Gram and fatherhood

There’s almost too much stuff in this discussion to summarize, but IG, five-year plans, fatherhood, and Minneapolis might start it up. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 18: The Pill vs. Google, work as a game, IG’s future, and more

A conversation with William Tincup of the HR Tech world about The Pill, Barcelona football, LeBron, the future of Instagram, and more. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 6: Five-year plans, North Stars, and Instagram likes

A little dialogue about five and 10-year plans, Instagram likes, sleep, North Stars, and children learning to play golf. Continue Reading


Oft-ignored problem: Digital laziness

Digital laziness

Passively clicking “like” all day isn’t helping anyone. (Well, except companies.) Continue Reading