The Blunder Years, Episode 39: Why are adults so bad at learning, and how do we improve?

How do adults get better at gaining and retaining information, both personally and professionally? A half-hour discussion. Continue Reading


Boy, the leadership development market seems like a giant turd right now

Bad Leadership

We spend billions per year on the “leadership industry.” But uh, ahem, er … what exactly are we getting out of it? Continue Reading

Ah, look, another HR Tech conference where nothing actually changes…

HR Tech conferences go round and round in a circle, year after year, full of sound and fury but signifying little. Continue Reading

Stop hiring, and promoting, assholes and incompetent people into management

Stop promoting assholes

Managers are why people leave jobs, usually. (Money is too.) So maybe let’s, uh, try to improve who we let manage others? Continue Reading


The leadership assessment vacuum

We talk about important things for 67 hours, then we never revisit them when they would actually matter in context. Continue Reading


Diversity training: Too often, it feels like a PR stunt

The myth of team diversity

Some new research indicates that it does (yay!) but not for the groups that actually need it (boo). Continue Reading

Why don’t we discuss “manager engagement” or “manager experience?”

Strategic account managers

Shouldn’t we want those who make the trains run to feel good about their jobs? Continue Reading

Six things a leader should actually be doing

Leadership Activities

… and what tends to overwhelm a focus on these. Continue Reading