Social change moves a lot faster than you think

Social Change Is Faster Than You Think

That chart is from here, although it’s ultimately by way of here. (The second link has more interactive graphics.) We’ve mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: in 2001, 57% of the populace seemed to oppose gay marriage. Now, 58% seem to support it.… Continue Reading

Just fucking legalize marijuana already, OK?

Marijuana Legalization

Let’s start with a basic fact: I’ve smoked pot. A lot of people that meet me probably assume I still smoke pot, which isn’t accurate (I mean, there are weddings here and there where things happen, but let’s not get too… Continue Reading


Patrick Moen and Paul Schmidt left the Oregon DEA to work … in the medical marijuana industry?

If you like this article or others on here, scroll on down to the bottom and share it up a bit. Patrick Moen, a DEA agent in Oregon, quit his job in late 2013 and now works for Privateer Holdings,… Continue Reading


Because we’re getting more liberal about marijuana laws, we may have to sacrifice a bit on the salmon front

In 2013, we saw a shift in marijuana legalization viewpoint — more people approved it than not. That led to legalization in Colorado, which led to the first person ever to buy it legally in Colorado, which led to this epic… Continue Reading


Some important Big Data milestones around gay rights, marijuana, and the U.S. role as a global cop

2014 is about 1.25 days old right now in the United States, and it feels pretty OK so far — with the exception of the passing of Uncle Phil, nothing majorly monumental seems to have happened (and I’m not sure… Continue Reading


A ton of interesting things are happening in Maine right now

We’ve previously talked about Michaud vs. LePage in 2014, but a ton of interesting things are happening in Maine right now. First, check out the video above (from PBS NewsHour); Maine is the first state to allow prescription drug imports from… Continue Reading

Via Gallup, a majority now favors marijuana legalization for the first time ever

This happened in South America yesterday (or rather, news broke yesterday), and now, for the first time in 44 years of polling about this topic in the U.S., it appears a majority of citizens — via Gallup, and outside the… Continue Reading