Bill de Blasio gets all the ink, but maybe Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto is the real city-redefiner

Bill de Blasio became Mayor of NYC and within literally moments, people were tapping him as a VP candidate down the road. He’s a new kind of liberal! It’s going to be a progressive revolution! All this makes sense — de Blasio is… Continue Reading


Mike Duggan might be an interesting politician to follow

Mike Duggan became Mayor of Detroit last night with over 55 percent of the vote, becoming Detroit’s first white Mayor since 1974. It was a wild ride for Duggan — he got kicked off the primary ballot and had to run… Continue Reading


It’s somewhat of a shame that Rob Ford’s end of days are approaching

I’m not a very big fan of crack (nor should anyone be). I’ve never touched the stuff myself, nor would I have any real inclination to, especially since it’s the face of urban blight. I especially since it’s bad when public… Continue Reading