1992-2006, mortality rates for women rose in 42.8% of U.S. counties. For men? 3.4% of counties.

White Women Mortality Rates Opioids

Think about this: for the most part, people are living longer — except, perhaps, African-American men in Mississippi — but yet, U.S. women aged 15 to 54 are dying at a very high rate. This Washington Post article, where I first came… Continue Reading


… that time I accidentally went to a Low-Testosterone doctor, though…

Low Testosterone Men

Pretty recently moved to Fort Worth (little over six months at this point), and since I figure I’m not the healthiest person of all-time, I wanted to go get a physical. It’s actually pretty amazing how ridiculously hard it is… Continue Reading

Abilify explains America in a nutshell


This probably won’t be a very long post, but I still think it’s somewhat interesting/relevant. First off, I’m somewhat depressed a good deal of the time, although I don’t take any drugs for it. (I have been to therapy off… Continue Reading

On health care, patient engagement, and social physics

Last summer, I worked for a pretty large health care organization in between my two years of graduate school. My primary focus/assignment was on fixing the Intranet for one business unit of this organization — made sense, because my background… Continue Reading


Bristol-Meyers Squibb is apparently the best health care company at research and development

The cost of creating a new drug for a pharma company is somewhere around $5 billion right now, and often takes 10 years or more. If someone approached your company and told you, “We want to take 5 billion dollars… Continue Reading

The ‘telemetric age’ — a.k.a. ‘The Internet Of Things’ — could be normative by 2025. (Gird your loins!)

This, today, from Pew Research: “One positive effect of ‘ubiquitous computing,’ as it used to be called, will be much faster, more convenient, and lower-cost medical diagnostics. This will be essential if we are to meet the health care needs… Continue Reading

Is Miles Memorial Hospital in Damariscotta, Maine the best hospital in America? Maybe.

Consumer Reports just ranked 2,591 U.S. hospitals, based on the most recent available data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The general rating high bar was meant to be 100, and depressingly,… Continue Reading


Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center in Boston is using Google Glass in the ER. OK, cool. Cool? Cool.

Imagine you find yourself in the ER for something not-so-great (like a fall). Now imagine your doctor rolls up wearing Google Glass, which isn’t mainstream in the least yet. Would you be freaked out? You might be, or if you were too… Continue Reading