“They’re just doing their job”

Work is a game to many, and the point of a game is to win. That’s why a lot of stuff never really changes for the rest of us. Continue Reading


Let’s talk more openly about dudes getting depressed

All this starts by talking more openly about it. Continue Reading


We need a more modern definition of masculinity

When Jim’s mom dies or his wife leaves him, we are allowed to discuss it. Continue Reading

What if decisiveness is actually a bad trait in managers?

It’s sad when companies just come to resemble a bunch of guys with no idea what they’re even doing running around sending emails they supposedly think are “decisive” and “strategic.” Continue Reading


Men shouldn’t be agreeable at work. Now think on the repercussions of that.

Guys can make almost $1M more over the course of a career by, essentially, being dicks. Continue Reading

I’m a white male and I have some friends, but I still understand the Salon article

Here it is. Essentially, it claims that the hidden issue for American men is their inability to make lasting friendships (especially white American men, of which I am one). Here’s the essential paragraph (or one of them): To be close friends, men… Continue Reading