Dynamic leadership: How about using apps?

Dynamic leadership

How to ravage the work-life balance of those under you — in a smart way! Continue Reading


Quick Happiness Hack: Take Facebook off your phone


Like several people I know, I’ve long had a weird, kinda love-hate relationship with Facebook. To wit? I’ve considered out-and-out quitting it a few times, but … FOMO I honestly think there’s something to the idea that it’s reduced true… Continue Reading

‘How do consumers find our product?’ has become ‘How do algorithms find it?’

Algorithms are key to consumer acquisition strategies

Many marketing and sales types — as well as high-level executives — often worry about how potential consumers will find their products, and rush around screaming about KPIs and ROI and deliverables and optimized lead generation programs, all of which… Continue Reading


Productivity and engagement killer: Mobile e-mail.

Checking Your EMail At Night Is Terrible For Ideas

Stop and think about this for one second, and try to follow this bouncing ball: A lot of people (probably a majority) do check their e-mail at off-hours, i.e. night-time at home. When they’re doing that, a subsequent large number are probably… Continue Reading

Time spent with print vs. ad spend on print = a mess

Ad Spend vs. Time Spend Print Media

From here and Mary Meeker: Check that baby out — ad spend on print is still 18 percent, but “time spent” is 4 percent. That’s a mess. TV still dominates — even though the whole thing is a junk science — and… Continue Reading

We should probably stop considering mobile as “a fad”

Mobile Traffic And Informed Populations

I’ve talked to a lot of random high-middle-management people in my life who have told me that there isn’t really a logical reason to invest in mobile, because it’s a “fad.” (As in, “Well, something else will come along.”) I… Continue Reading

Forget “digital natives.” Talk about “mobile natives.”

Mobile Natives

I would think (hope) that most people in the general marketing field understand that marketing is changing as generations change out — here’s one small example — although I’m not entirely sure marketing always quickly catches up to trends going… Continue Reading

Satya Nadella and Microsoft just hit one of the all-time corporate pivot moments

Remember back in about 1996, when there were all sorts of pre-Internet memes about how, if Bill Gates stumbled across a $20 on the street, it actually wasn’t worth his time to bend over and pick it up? Everyone thought they… Continue Reading