The owning of culture

Work Culture

You don’t make more money to sit in meetings all day and periodically analyze a spreadsheet. Continue Reading


Consultants, surveys, and workshops, OH MY!

Most things that execs think will save their business won’t, uh, save their business. Might actually go the other way. Continue Reading


“The most powerful business asset on Earth”

It’s not your product road map, Gary. Continue Reading


Work: Pay less attention to “cultural fit,” more attention to “enculturability”

What does “cultural fit” even mean? Continue Reading

An organizational development consultant can’t save you

Organizational development consultant

Rushing in because the execs can’t be bothered to think about culture issues but fear disruption, what happens next for our hero? Continue Reading

Good corporate culture has a negative side

Corporate Culture

A mostly no-bullshit approach to what’s a “way to pay people less” to many senior decision-makers. Continue Reading

Why your work culture sucks (and how to fix it)

Work Culture

A violation of core business tenets. Continue Reading


How to be strategic about responding to work e-mails

Responding to work e-mails

E-mail, at least to me, is a total boondoggle. Responding to work e-mails is an even bigger boondoggle. Let’s start with a couple of basics: There are no established ‘norms’ on how to handle e-mail E-mail represents work, but it’s often not actually… Continue Reading