Stop chasing the panacea; most problems are complex

“Less school shootings? Let’s reduce the violent content of video games!” Or… maybe it’s a rich quilt of reasons? Continue Reading


We don’t care at all about onboarding, broadly. What could go wrong?

Onboarding should be a transformative experience of entering a new culture, team, etc. Instead it’s mostly transactional bullshit. Continue Reading


The real question is how you bring someone onto a team

Onboarding best practices

But it’s more than just new hires. Continue Reading


The Spring Training problem of HR thinking

The season of perpetual hope. Continue Reading


Executives need to be onboarded better

Some of how new senior leaders behave is downright ridiculous. Continue Reading


The 90-day employee retention problem

Employee Turnover

Still unclear why this is so hard for people to grasp. Continue Reading

Meet with new employees during their first week (please)

This should not be that novel, or hard, of a concept. Continue Reading


Onboarding and off-sites need to be more spaced out

Let it breathe. Continue Reading