About 95% of deadlines can be adjusted

Deadlines are not nearly as intractable or set in stone as we think. Continue Reading

“Everybody’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth”

What happens in the moment after the moment? Continue Reading


The five year plan should be a relic by now

Five year plan

Compare your life on October 17, 2012 to now and let’s talk about the relevance of this concept. Continue Reading

Your business model isn’t as unique as you think, good sir

Business Model

“No one outside these walls could possibly understand how great, unique, and elaborate our model is.” Continue Reading

How to ID a bad boss: Single point of failure all the time

Single Point of Failure and Managers

Wrote once about the (probably not so) hidden cost of having a bad manager. Here’s another thing I thought of in the car ride back from therapy this morning. The following doesn’t apply to my current manager, but does apply to a bunch of people… Continue Reading