Internal recruitment: Yes, it’s valuable for you

Internal Recruitment

Stop hiring off FOMO. Continue Reading


You’ll never have a good work culture unless you stop promoting assholes

Stop promoting assholes

Emma Seppalla, a PhD over at Stanford (she’s the Director of their Compassion Center), is also the author of an upcoming book, The Happiness Track. Today, she took to Harvard Business Review to write another in the increasing line of “Hey, this is why… Continue Reading

Is social media making the rat race even worse?

Is social media making the rat race worse?

From Fast Company, on purpose and passion vs. money in terms of how you evaluate jobs: In the age of social media, we’re bombarded by pressure to continually achieve. Facebook is simply an online archive of people’s mini-achievements. Because we’re so… Continue Reading

How to ‘manage up:’ The ‘what-if’ approach

Managing Up and "What If?"

One of the hardest things for most people at the low/middle arc of organizations to do is “manage up,” which I think means “stretching yourself” and/or “having a better relationship with your boss.” I had a bit of a mental breakdown… Continue Reading


Scientifically, what’s going to determine your earning potential?

One of the three things you can’t really discuss — along with failure and sex — is money/salary. As essentially a direct result of this, no one really understands what their salary represents — and that leads to a lot… Continue Reading


Half the time, we pick leaders for the wrong reasons

From research at Stanford University on hierarchy and leader selection: Most surprising, the researchers found, was that 45% of the time, team members picked leaders for reasons other than competence, such as the person’s age, dominance, or perceived power level.… Continue Reading


On the scarcity of promotions and fear at work

I pretty much started blogging because I have a specific way of thinking about different topics — especially around work — and I wanted to throw a few ideas out there and see if anyone felt the same way. So,… Continue Reading


Treat your best-performing employees like your best-performing customers

The SHRM (Society for Human Resources Management) conference is going on/potentially ending right now in Las Vegas, and I’m insanely bitter because I’ve been writing about human resources and organizational development topics for about 18 months now and I was… Continue Reading