COVID will probably scale up NIMBY

If you mostly see your immediate family, who will you make decisions to benefit? Right, right… Continue Reading

Management issue: “Helpfulness” is determined by receiver, not giver

Barry: “I’m helping.” || Employee: “You’re being a micromanaging asshole.” || This is a dichotomy, and a problem. Continue Reading


Diversity initiatives are a carnival ride of nothingness

Round and round we go. Continue Reading

Do “calls for unity” work, at home or at work?

Does it mean “go along with what I say because I now have more power,” or is it real? Continue Reading

The refrain: “Create good jobs!” But like, do executives and founders WANT to do that?

We keep saying the same stuff about “repairing the economy,” but the people pulling the levers don’t seem to want that. Continue Reading


When everything is a priority, nothing is: Relevance vs. chaos

Two psychological needs on the path to supposed productivity lead to … a bunch of things on fire. Continue Reading

The power of narrative on belief structure, politically and otherwise

How do you choose what to believe and what not to believe, and how much do “data” and “expertise” really play in? Continue Reading


“If you feel that everything is terrible and everyone lies, then people don’t want to engage in civic discourse…”

Welcome to the lessons of Election Day 2020 (USA), which are more hopeful than maybe we realize. Continue Reading