Companies don’t operate according to moral norms like reciprocity. Here’s why.

Corporate Morality

I don’t really understand a lot of legal concepts, but I did think it was funny when the Supreme Court seemed to rule a few years ago that corporations were essentially people (at least in terms of giving money, I… Continue Reading


Brief thought exercise: Is pure/true altruism even possible?

Issues of altruism and fairness and ego have been at the forefront of a lot of social science / psychology for years, and there’s been numerous articles smarter than this one on the topic of “true altruism” — see here,… Continue Reading

Thanksgiving is essentially a celebration of what makes us human

First off, that’s not to say a nation that doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving also doesn’t contain humans. It’s more a discussion of the core elements of Thanksgiving — thankfulness and gratitude — being far more than sentiment.  Evolutionary biologists and philosophers use… Continue Reading