The basic life path is changing, and we should address that

I got this idea from here. Let’s look at the “standard first-world life path:” Pretty simple, yes? You start in a “safety net” — meaning your parents are economically responsible for you, then you learn (K-12, college), and then you leave… Continue Reading

Baby Boomers’ final act: Save entrepreneurship

Baby Boomers and Entrepreneurship

Alright, so … it’s possible that entrepreneurship is dying. We’ve been seeing stats about that for years, give or take. You can choose to believe that or not believe that. Let’s say, for a second, that you do. If so, what or whom can save… Continue Reading

Could good design/UX help us retire better?

Retirement Planning Design

This topic has been coming up a lot recently. Harvard Business Review had a whole article on it — with studies! — a few days ago, and here’s a profile of Facebook’s former design chief joining WealthFront as a VP of design.… Continue Reading


How to explain the world at a cocktail party

Talk about Inter-Temporal Discounting at a cocktail party

Want a cool expression to toss out at a dinner party the next time you find yourself in such a socially-elite situation? I’ve got one for you. It’s called “inter-temporal discounting.” Sounds cool, right? I bet you’re already interested. But what is it?… Continue Reading


Patrick Pichette (Google CFO) story: Yep, it’s awesome. But uh, he’s rich.

Patrick Pichette

This Patrick Pichette story (he was the CFO of Google) is going a little bit viral today. Here’s the basic rundown. He retired from a plum job way before you’d think an average American male in such a job would retire,… Continue Reading

Four ideas we get totally wrong about retirement

Stats about Retirement

The new cover of TIME Magazine — and you can argue over how relevant TIME Magazine is to the modern day, but it’s still a thing millions of people at least glance at on newsstands every week — is a… Continue Reading


The savings rate for Americans under 35 is negative 1.8 percent

This stat is not ideal. Continue Reading