“Wishful thinking rather than accurate self-assessment”

Self-awareness is not at scale, and it might be regressing. Continue Reading

Your career sucks because you lack self-awareness

It’s time to yank your head out of your posterior for a week or two. Continue Reading


The self-delusion problem of leadership


Your key numbers here and 82 and 80. Continue Reading


On the fear of not being good enough

Fear of not being good enough

The No. 1 question of the modern workforce: how do we develop people who are scared of what the future holds for them and their families? Continue Reading

Managers don’t seem so big on self-improvement

Managers Avoid Self-Development

Let’s start by taking a look at this graph; I got it from here: This is from Joseph Folkman, who’s a pretty big deal in the whole “leadership development” space. It’s based on 360 assessments with 50,000 leaders; they were asked… Continue Reading