“Wishful thinking rather than accurate self-assessment”

Self-awareness is not at scale, and it might be regressing. Continue Reading


On the fear of not being good enough

Fear of not being good enough

The No. 1 question of the modern workforce: how do we develop people who are scared of what the future holds for them and their families? Continue Reading


Self-compassion is more valuable than self-criticism


Believe this. Continue Reading

Self-compassion vs. self-esteem (and me in therapy)

Self Compassion Jack Kornfield

I went to a wedding this past weekend in North Carolina. It was a great, majestic, soaring wedding — in a way, aren’t they all? — and by and large, I had a very good time. It was with probably… Continue Reading


Brief thought exercise: how closely do you connect your self-worth to your job?

Work shouldn’t be EVERYTHING, right? Continue Reading