The Blunder Years, Episode 49: Dealing with recruiters during a pandemic

In about 22 minutes, let an actual recruiter talk to you about what recruiters look for and how they think, in case you need a job right now. Continue Reading


Get better at recruiting passive candidates

Passive candidates

Please don’t talk to me about employer branding. Continue Reading


“We’ll keep your resume on file!” And then what?

Keep your resume on file

AI might make hiring more effective here. Continue Reading


Process of recruitment: Here’s a better idea

Process of recruitment

Ah, love it when HR asks for clarity on a role from the hiring manager and gets told “I’m too busy to have a meeting.” (About someone who will make you less busy?) Continue Reading


Your recruiting process alienates the best people

Recruiting Process

Here’s how I want to spend my Wednesday: uploading a resume and then filling out 18 tabs of exactly the same information I just uploaded. Wait, what? Continue Reading

Is social recruiting actually happening?

Social Recruiting

This is fast becoming ‘buzzword territory’ and not an actual strategy designed to get you the right people. Continue Reading