The flattening of the to-do list and the over-quest for optimization

Somehow we arrived at this weird place where to-do lists should never end and everything needs to be “growth hacked.” WTF? Continue Reading


Only 11 percent of people accomplish their daily to-do list. WTF?

No one accomplishes their to-do list

Got that number from here, via a LinkedIn study that seems to look at 17 industries. I can’t decide if I think 11 percent is too low (what most people think) or too high (which might be logical). Productivity journalism is a… Continue Reading


To-do lists may actually be holding people back

To Do Lists Ineffective

I feel like the “to-do list” has been a staple of (at least first world) individual organization attempts since maybe the dawn of time. Definitely in the last 20 or so years, they’re everywhere. Outlook and other e-mail platforms have… Continue Reading