National parks are still quite popular, via Facebook and rich people

National Parks Popularity

Facebook did a year in review, as major websites are wanton to do, and they included a top 10 list of checked-in places in the United States. 3/10 of the list is national parks — Yosemite, Grand Canyon, and Yellowstone —… Continue Reading

What the hell is going on with hotel prices?

This morning, I found a receipt in my laptop bag from a hotel in downtown Seattle (that shall remain nameless). For two nights of staying there about a month ago, the cost was $1500. I recently got a plane ticket… Continue Reading

Americans leave 430 million vacation days on the table per year

Americans need to stop worrying about what taking a vacation means for their career and JUST DO IT, BABY. Continue Reading

Some contextual thoughts on driving down the I-35 corridor

I grew up in New York City; until I did Teach for America down in Houston in 2003 (the year I graduated from college, also on the east coast), I had basically never left the I-95 corridor. I-95 is its own… Continue Reading

Travel in your 20s shouldn’t be a speed bump for your career. Can we just kill off the linear resume, please?

There’s a whole boatload of emerging context on the world of millennials vs. the world of their parents and grandparents, and some of it — such as aspects about where to live and what’s desirable in cities — seems logical,… Continue Reading

From April 2013 to April 2014, only 72.9 percent of Southwest flights were on time; that’s the third-lowest in the industry

Admittedly, they have good fares and good customer service — but apparently they don’t take off on time or arrive on time very well. They were at 72.9 percent from April to April (’13 to ’14), which is the third-lowest in… Continue Reading


Air travel can be hellacious. But whom do you blame more: the airlines or the other passengers?

Air travel is pretty much the safest and most time-relevant method of long-distance travel ever invented, so let’s not knock it completely — even though it isn’t doing any wonders for the environment and some processes therein, like boarding, are completely… Continue Reading

The process of boarding a plane was 50 percent slower in 1998 than in 1970. Can we fix this process? (Hello, Steffen Method vs. WILMA)

There is a surprising amount of research out there on the effectiveness of different plane-boarding processes — and, honestly, a surprising amount of videos on YouTube of literally nothing more than people waiting to board a plane. I suppose it all makes… Continue Reading