Can we end all the dog whistles about employment soon?

We’re not having realistic discussions around employment. Continue Reading

Is there a solution for the perils of long-term unemployment?

“Coming to you like a beggar, hat in hand…” Le sigh. Continue Reading


Shut the f*ck up about unemployment rate, as the stat is meaningless

The bigger picture of an economy is a complex ecosystem, and relying on one number that’s easily manipulated doesn’t do the big picture justice. Continue Reading

Understand global unemployment: The 214M and/or 7% problem

We can and should do better. Continue Reading

It might actually suck more to NOT lose your job to automation

It might be worse if a robot doesn't steal your job

Work automation is coming, baby! The highest numbers you’ll see in various articles are close to 50 percent — meaning 1 in 2 jobs could be automated someday. That’s a whole thing, no? Today, Fast Company has an article about “What Work Will… Continue Reading

You should probably be making about $30,000 more

You should be earning more

Whenever a new batch of “employment/jobs” data gets released — which happened at the end of last week in the U.S. — I always get kind of frustrated, because (a) no one really understands the unemployment rate and (b) it really… Continue Reading


Job growth is nice, but earnings are stagnant — and that’s bad


Admittedly I don’t know a ton about economics — I actually got a D in Micro frosh year of college — so I’m not really that strong on all the different indicators of an economy’s health. I can tell you… Continue Reading

The job market is killing the marriage market

Last March, there were some studies out indicating that 15 percent of currently-single people may never get married. Since then, we’ve seen new data that singles make up half the U.S. population (first time ever, apparently), and now there’s this: we… Continue Reading