The Blunder Years, Episode 21: Apple and … possible nuclear war?

If you’ve ever wanted to have a conversation about what it’s like to work for Apple and then, 10 minutes later, talk about World War III … well, this is your podcast episode. Continue Reading

Maybe Bugs Bunny is a complex metaphor for the U.S. Army, eh?

Bugs Bunny US Army

I read this New Yorker article (by Adam Gopnik) reviewing a biography of Bob Hope yesterday on a plane. It’s a pretty good article, but one section kinda stood out — and half-entertained, half-confused me. Namely, there’s this idea that maybe Bugs Bunny… Continue Reading

Goodbye, Greatest Generation

More signs in the ongoing ‘Boomers out, millennials in’ discussion that will soon re-shape global society: at the 40th anniversary of D-Day (30 years ago), there were close to 11 million D-Day veterans still alive. Last week, at the 70th… Continue Reading

Jock Hutton is 89 and a D-Day veteran. He parachuted into Normandy on the anniversary.

You can see the headcam version here: When he landed, he got to chat with Prince Charles for a while (cool). 70 years ago today, this was his deal: Aged just 19, he was one of the first to land… Continue Reading

On Kevin Carter’s famous photo and suicide

I saw this story on Reddit this morning — it was a TIL — about Kevin Carter’s suicide, which took place three months after he won the Pulitzer Prize for arguably one of the most depressing photos ever taken. People… Continue Reading