Hot takes on innovation and the poor?

“… neither radical nor revolutionary…” Continue Reading

“Strategy” as a synonym for “placate the most powerful person”

The product is the guy/gal, not the actual product suite you think. Continue Reading


FAANG companies are bullish on office space (at least NYC). Bye bye, remote work.

If Big Tech does something, others ape it. So what does this mean for you? Continue Reading

What is productivity, honestly?

Do we even know? And is it really an organization’s place to determine the term? Continue Reading

“The Great Resignation” = “The Great Strategy Pause”

Lots of stops, starts, and pauses. Continue Reading

The entire purpose of middle managers, scientifically, is to be absolutely full of shit

“Characterizing the reality of a situation with any description that is necessary to make that situation more palatable to some group that matters.” Continue Reading

Why do we keep surveying execs, managers, and HR people about “the remote revolution?”

What would these people know? It’s all agenda-driven and clueless. Continue Reading

Anxiety, risks, and value trade-offs

The complicated tapestry of emotions at work. Continue Reading