The summer of personal accountability

I had a physical — well, Part 1 — about two Tuesdays ago. Some of my numbers weren’t great. In 2017, I did a ‘fitness challenge’ with my gym, probably in mid-July to early-August. My weight and BMI from that time — so about two years ago, give or take — are up, and my weight is up more than I want it to be. I just went this morning to give blood, and I’d assume some of those levels will be increased as well (cholesterol, etc.)

My basic ecosystem

I eat pretty well give or take (not always). I use Sun Basket and some other newsletters around healthy eating and cooking, and I try to be good there. I’m not perfect by any means but it’s OK.

I work out about 3-4 times a week, usually a mix of cycling/spin and YMCA-style bootcamps, with some other things thrown in.

My biggest problem is drinking. I only drink beer, although I usually drink IPAs, which can be brutal calorie-wise. Right after I got divorced, I was probably honestly doing 50-65 drinks a week. Am I proud of that? No. But it was happening at the time.

I am way down from there but I still drink more than I want to, usually in these forms — >

  • Depressed relative to work or something else, and drink/eat at lunch (I do this too much)
  • Had a bad long day and want a drink

Those are the two main situations, with (1) being the more prevalent one. I was predominantly freelance from late 2015 to September 2018, then I took on a gig where I go into the office more. Elements of that have been good and elements have not been as good. I think it has made me more depressed in many ways, so I am trying to figure out the best steps to manage that out.

So do I have a problem with drinking? Yea, I probably do, and that’s something I am working out too through meetings, talking with people, and challenging myself.

That’s where you can come in

I’m looking for some accountability partners this spring and summer to help me with some of this stuff and make sure I’m doing what I need to do … and I can help you be accountable to something (or a few things) as well. If you read this and you’re interested, leave me a comment or email me at tedbauer2003 (at) I’d love to see what we can do together.

Ted Bauer