The Blunder Years, Episode 4: From gun in mouth to human growth

This episode (audio below) is with Sid Clevinger of the Fritz Advertising Agency based out of Dallas. I actually didn’t know he was based out of Dallas — I live about 40 miles from Dallas, in Fort Worth — so I sat in a sparsely-populated co-working space in Fort Worth and he sat in Dallas and we recorded this. Guess we could have done it live, eh?

The entrepreneurial deification

This is a common issue that comes up with a lot of people, men and women alike, trying to grow and scale their own businesses. Sid actually has a CBD business these days too, and just got named CMO of Emails and Surveys too.

What I mean by that is … a lot of people run around quoting Jobs, Bezos, Gates, Branson, Gary Vee, etc … and it can get nauseating, especially if you spend any time at all on LinkedIn. It’s all 10x articles and quote panels about how Henry Ford would have built faster horses if he listened to his customers. It can feel like reams and reams of bullshit. It’s sad too, because while there are people out there doing amazing and innovative things, the fact is that broader work and society is becoming increasingly bureaucratic, per research. There are people hustling and doing their own thing, yes. No question. But there’s a lot of people doing The Cubicle Game too.

But see, these journeys are inherently human…

The most interesting stuff about Sid’s journey isn’t his current success level or amount of income per month or anything. It’s that he struggled, he had tough relationships, he lost money, he moved a bunch, and he rebounded to a better place. It’s about the journey — even when the journey sucks — more than it’s about the destination, often. I felt like this was a solid episode to showcase that it’s not about IG quote panels on “hustle,” as our attitudes about hustle are often trite bullshit anyway, but it’s more about the human side of how we grow and succeed. It’s about our people, our relationships, and even our brain chemistry.

Here would be the audio — >

See ya back here for Episode 5 next week!

Ted Bauer

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