Democrats have a brie and chablis problem

Ted Bauer


  1. Replying because I found your blog and found a lot of the content interesting.

    Most urbanites causing growth in the cities are people fleeing those god-awful dying small towns. We were bullied, abused and gaslit for years, and we left to find a better life for ourselves. Those towns are dying because they hate the very people they need to have even the ghost of a chance of being anything other than failures.

    I certainly don’t want to go back to the place I came from. It’s a loser — like much of resentful angry far-right America — because it chooses to be a loser. It’s not willing to understand what is required to be viable and thus sinks ever further into deranged QAnon conspiracy theories, racism, homophobia, transphobia and sexism.

    Democrats have spent decades privileging these areas. We urbanites, far from living on Brie and Chablis, work long hours to live in cramped apartments only to pay high taxes that largely go to subsidize those same places that hate us. We will never be able to pay enough to get those areas to abandon the toxic culture that keeps them in the doldrums.

    While you’re correct that the “one acre one vote” system of the senate means that this dying part of America has outsized influence, it can’t last forever. Eventually the cities — who pay all the bills, including in red states — will rebel against our failed political order if it doesn’t start to represent the majority.

    I’ve stopped worrying about “back home,” because back home won’t do anything to fix its problems (and in fact exacerbates them). They’re not interested in learning from successful people and spends all its time dumping on minorities and others who have found success. They’ve chosen to fail and will resolutely stick to that path until the last person dies or leaves.

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