Will Roe spike the culture wars?

Ted Bauer

One Comment

  1. Given that the Blue states and cities pay the bills and are massively underrepresented in the Senate and our partisan, political Supreme Court, I’d expect that things will start to get interesting.

    How do red states like Florida ($4 in federal spending for every dollar it pays in taxes), South Carolina ($8 in federal goodies for every dollar it pays in taxes), Louisiana/Mississippi/Alabama ($3 in federal pork for every dollar paid in taxes) and so on manage to operate if the big net payer states like NY, NJ, CA, MA, IL, WA, CT and so on decide to just stop sending in cash?

    For all the Fox News ranting against “socialism,” the “Red zone” is generally a massive socialist economy with income redistributed from productive Blue cities to unproductive Red rural areas. Even in the few red states where this isn’t the case federally, like Texas, it’s the Blue cities in Texas who produce all the economic value.

    What happens when states and cities react to extremist minority rule by shutting off the subsidies?

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