Sheesh, can’t people just have conversations anymore? WTF?

People still have discussions, and it’s not just keyboard muscles. Life persists, and dialogue does too. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 55: Friendships, housing prices, co-workers, and #BillsMafia

When you leave a job, are those people still your friends? Or just former co-workers? Plus: the Bills, housing prices, and much more. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 54: The Gram and fatherhood

There’s almost too much stuff in this discussion to summarize, but IG, five-year plans, fatherhood, and Minneapolis might start it up. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 51: How do/did you define yourself in your 30s?

A discussion on middle class markers, defining yourself, paying attention to others, and the value of laziness. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 50: Not everything needs to 10x, blitz-scale, or make billions

Isn’t it OK to celebrate the bravery of micro-creators who put their stuff into the universe, even if it’s not mass-consumed? Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 46: TiVo | Teenagers | Identity | Swim Lanes

A wide-ranging discussion on the early days of TiVo and whether teenagers have a moral obligation to be dicks to their parents. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 44: God and data

A conversation between two old friends about relationships, data, sports, God, platform thinking, and much more. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 43: Fixing education, male loneliness, and middle school hoops

Higher Education will probably never change

Two old chums from Teach for America Houston shooting the shit about life, hoops, flipped classrooms, and male loneliness. Continue Reading