Scientists spend a lot of time searching for dark matter, despite not really knowing if it exists

The Large Underground Xenon experiment, or LUX, just failed to turn up dark matter. So wait, what exactly is dark matter? Let’s quote the article, so that I can sound a wee bit smarter in the process. Even more so than… Continue Reading

How much of the world is currently unmapped?

Cool story on CNN about some new species being discovered — including an amazing end to the first paragraph where they describe “a frog that makes love in the rain” — on the northern tip of Queensland, Australia. The species were… Continue Reading

What is it about the big booty?

As you likely know by now, Kim and Kanye are engaged. (Maybe this here was the sequence of events that convinced him to finally put a ring on it.) Now, I’m a red-blooded American male and I find her generally attractive… Continue Reading