I’m running a half-marathon this weekend and I’m utterly unprepared for it

Backstory: one of my friends turns 30 in September, and wanted to do a “30 Before 30” list. One of the items was to run a full marathon. We looked around and decided Jackson Hole, Wyoming would be scenic — plus I’ve never been to Jackson Hole, or Wyoming for that matter, so that seemed cool.

Registered for the full.

Merely glancing at the calendar, I realized the bulk of “training” time for this marathon would be in the summer. I live in Texas. The summer is hot. I told myself I would train. I didn’t really. 

That’s how “full” ultimately became “half.” I literally half-assed this deal.

So now I’m going to Wyoming tonight and I’m going to run a half-marathon on Saturday morning and basically it’s going to be a labor of love and picture-taking for 13.1 miles, and it’s probably going to hurt.

Did I mention the elevation is pretty nuts too? That as well.

I keep coming back to this post I wrote once on stopping the assumption that change is hard. 

That one talks about marathons. Although, admittedly in that example, the people are actually training

So this should be interesting. We’ll see. Probably a bit painful but — oh well. A life experience. And isn’t that the point?

In a broader context, I’ve been thinking more and more about embracing health and well-being this fall. Got two weddings to attend. Want to sparkle at ’em. Just kidding. But I could stand to be healthier and less of a wreck in many ways.

Let’s commence that with 13.1 at about 7,300 feet this weekend.

Pray for me. 

You can follow me on Twitter or Instagram (right side of this page) if you want to see some shots from the pain this will be. 

Be back Tuesday and back at the ol’ grind. 

Ted Bauer